About Us

A place for networking and developing leadership

Throughout my career as a Human Resources Leader, I have been coaching and mentoring others to improve competences and developing leadership capabilities. As an individual who have been working in the Corporate world for more than 25 years, I’m also pursuing my career goal and desired to see my dream comes true. Reaching the career goal is probably everybody’s dream, but how to get there, when can get there? 

Even you’d like to become an entrepreneur, starting up your own company and grow the business to become a successful leader in the field you’re operating, you’re probably also thinking about gaining leadership capabilities and improve yourself.

Those are the reasons we’re starting up the Star Foundation, a Foundation can help you to build up your knowledge and learn from others, a place where you can connect with others and establish your networks, a place where you can get mentored or coached by those successful and experienced leaders. In summary, this is a place where you can accelerate your growth, form a strong network and realize your dreams.

Leadership is a big topic, has been studied and talked about for years and years, there are successful formulas that we’ve seen from great leaders, however, when it comes to the individuals, leadership means differently for different people, particularly for those come from different cultural and ethical background. That’s the focus we want to study and share, in many leadership areas that we’re interested in.

Without the network to support, leadership capability will not be recognized and shown, hence it will not be a competitive advantage. Hence, we want to create the network, and more importantly, to help our members to learn and practice how to build their networks and enhance it. Network is a platform, a foundation to grow and thrive, no matter what you will do.

We are also striving to create a platform for us to share knowledge. To get knowledge is not difficult these days, on internet you can find almost everything, but how to structurally use them to your advantage, that’s another subject we’re interested in working out for you and others.

Star Foundation, a place for you and me, and everybody, who is interested in unleashing their potential, and realize the dreams.



Zhigang Jin

Founder of the Star Foundation